Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Zero Dark Thirty Review

Mission: Possible---Joel Edgerton and Chris Pratt as a couple of guys who help catch Osama Bin Laden in Zero Dark Thirty
                       Zero Dark Thirty starts out with Dan (Jason Clarke)....a CIA operative mercilessly torturing a supposed helper in Osama Bin Laden's attacks. This is a daring and provocative way to start a movie. It raises the question---should we root for Dan because he is helping stop a very dangerous man or should we root against him because he is being a dangerous man himself? Either way...this is a beginning that will disturb most people.

                     We then meet Maya (Jessica Chastain)...another CIA operative who is somewhat disgusted by what Dan is doing. Maya is also, in fact, a participant in these horrible acts. While Dan believes in torturing these criminals to get them to talk...Maya simply believes in talking to them. The film then proceeds to be an intense thriller about the man hunt for Bin Laden. The film is gripping, smart and realistic in the best way possible.

                     Although Chastain is excellent here...her role wasn't that meaty. Sure...she yells a couple of times but the film never gives her a chance to strut all her stuff. Clarke is fantastic here making me wish they had more of him on screen. James Gandolfini has a small but excellent role as a CIA director and Joel Edgerton and Chris Pratt are excellent as two of the Navy S.E.A.Ls who helped bring Bin Laden to justice.

                       Although there are a few slow parts...the movie never peters out. me a sucker but the film had me in its grip from the first second to the last. Sure...I wasn't wishing it was longer (it is, after all, over 2 and 1/2 hours long) but I did thoroughly enjoy almost every second of it. Excellent performances across the board, a gripping narrative and smart dialogue are what make Zero Dark Thirty well worth seeing.
(4 and 1/2 out of 5 Stars, The film is rated R for strong violence including brutal disturbing images and for language)

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful review Jack. For a movie pretending to be real: it's not too bad. Good actors, great director but parts of this movie are a bit dragged out and repetitive.
