Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Olympus Has Fallen Review

My fellow Americans---Gerald Butler as an ex-presidential guard who must save the current president (Aaron Eckhart) from terrorists in Olympus Has Fallen
                                   Olympus Has Fallen is the newest bit of proof that it's kind of hard to not enjoy a film with so much action. Hell---even The Expendables 2 had many fun moments splattered throughout. Olympus Has Fallen is also the definitive example of a film that never lets up once the action starts. In other words---this new action vehicle starring Gerald Butler may be the most cliche film you'll see this year but there is never a dull moment in it.

                                     In the film---Butler plays Mike Banning...a presidential guard who is able to save President Asher (Aaron Eckhart) from a terrible accident on a bridge but not the president's wife. Now...he's  no longer a guard for the president but when a group of terrorists led by an extremely dangerous man named Kang (Rick Yune) takes over The White House and kidnaps President Asher...Mike steps into action.

                                      Yune is great here. He brings a convincing and effective dangerous side to a bad guy who plans to destroy the world. Also...the character of Kang is not some idiot terrorist...he knows exactly what he's doing. As well...Eckhart is convincing as the kidnapped president while Morgan Freeman does an excellent job as the acting president for Asher. Also..I have to admit that, despite my former gripes with him, Butler does make a pretty convincing action star. Hell....he's even pretty damn charming throughout the whole thing. This is Butler like you've never seen him before...bringing in a good performance. The movie's exciting with its big budget gun play and high budget explosions but the quiet moments are the ones that really bring you to the edge of your seat. There are many moments in which Kang will be asking someone a question and you are thrilled because you have no idea what he's going to do next.

                                      However, the film is also very, very, very cliche. Director Antoine Fuqua made the very original and refreshing cop drama Training Day. Here...it feels as if Fuqua just wants to make a dumb, ludicrous, nothing no one hasn't seen before action film but hey---it's entertaining so who cares?

                                      While there are problems with the film and perhaps it does get a bit offtrack sometimes...Olympus Has Fallen is about as entertaining of an action film as you can get. So far this year...there has been way too many turkeys that have come to local multiplexes so it's refreshing to see something that is actually quite good.
(3 and 1/2 out of 5 Stars, The film is rated R for strong violence and language throughout)

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