Friday, May 3, 2013

The Place Beyond The Pines Review

Live to ride---Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes as a professional motorcycle driver and his estranged wife in The Place Beyond The Pines
                                              I have no idea why but I for some reason did not like Blue Valentine. Despite excellent performances by Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams...the film never clicked for me and it was just too depressing for its own good. Now...Gosling reunites with Blue Valentine director Derek Cianfrance for The Place Beyond The Pines...a surprisingly absorbing and gripping tale that owes a huge debt to its actors. If not for the unbelievable performances from Gosling, Eva Mendes, Ray Liotta, Ben Mendelsohn, Bradley Cooper, Emory Cohen and Dane DeHaan...the film may not have worked as well if at all.

                                              The film follows three interrelated stories. The first is about a professional motorcycle driver named Luke (Gosling) who travels from circus to circus with his team, The Heartthrobs. Luke finds out his wife (Mendes) and him had a child so he decides. in order to raise more money, to rob banks under the supervision of his friend, Robin (Mendelsohn.) The second story involves a cop named Avery (Cooper) who becomes a town hero and must stop a corrupt co-worker (Liotta.) The third involves two teenagers, AJ and Jason (Cohen and DeHaan), one of whom is the son of Avery and one of whom is the son of Luke.

                                              It all feels a bit too long but the story still manages to engage the audience for 99% of it. There is not a moment that doesn't ring true in the entire film. Also...I am sad to report this film will not allow another Oscar nomination for Cooper or Gosling. The best story is the one involving AJ and Jason. Cohen and DeHaan are not as seasoned as the other actors in this film which is why it was mind blowing that they had the best performances. They made me feel every emotion that was coming out of them and most of the time without saying much of anything. Either this was the perfect role for them or they are two of the finest young actors out there or both. In any case...look out for them.

                                               Like I said...the film does feel a bit too long and although Cooper was excellent, his part of the story could have used some more time in the editing room. However, The Place Beyond The Pines still manages to hold you down and never let go. Liotta makes one of the meanest, most unpredictable and best bad guys in a long while and the film feels very authentic in its message. If you feel that you can't sit in a theater for two and a half hours then you won't exactly be missing the upcoming Fast & Furious 6 on the big screen. However, try to see it as soon as you can if you want a realistic, touching and altogether special film.
(4 out of 5 Stars, The film is rated R for language throughout, some violence, teen drug and alcohol use and a sexual reference)

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