Friday, June 21, 2013

World War Z Review

World Bore Z's---Brad Pitt as a man who comes out of retirement to fight off a zombie invasion in World War Z
                             World War Z was one of those films that couldn't seem to get off the cutting room floor due to so many production problems. Some of this is due to the fact, probably, that as with Life Of Pi or Atlas Shrugged Parts 1 and 2...the film is based on a novel that the masses deemed impossible to film. If I had to say which one of these four films most proves that the masses were right...I would have to say World War Z is it. It's based on a novel by Mel Brooks' son, Max. It's directed by Marc Forster who has done many excellent films in his day (Stranger Than Fiction, Monster's Ball, The Kite Runner) and some not so excellent films (Stay, Quantam Of Solace.) You can chalk his latest up to probably his worst. Also...being that it's based on what I've heard is a very funny novel from an author who's the son of one of the funniest men to ever live....I did not expect the film to be so unnecessarily grim and so tedious. It's a zombie film for crying out loud...have a little humor.

                           The film stars Brad Pitt as Gerry Lane...a retired United Nations Employee who must come back into action when a zombie invasion strikes. This means leaving his wife (Mireille Enos) and kids (Sterling Jerins and Abagail Hargrove) behind. There's really not much else to the plot that I can't tell you about without giving something away. This is not because the film is surprising. On the contrary, it's because if I even say what the plots are...the conclusions will be so painfully obvious to everyone who reads this review.

                           I will admit...Pitt is excellent. He gives the kind of performance that would have fit perfectly in a stronger, more fun film. He makes the character of Gerry someone to root for even though the whole time we know exactly what his fate will be, The rest of the cast which includes Daniella Kertesz as a woman Gerry meets and ultimately teams up with and Fana Mokoena as the man who brings Gerry back to work try their best but end up failing miserably. I can't even blame the actors. These are all such boring characters that Pitt was the only one with enough experience to bring his to life. The zombies are interesting in the way they move but that ends up being neither visually stunning nor amounting to anything significant.

                          The film was written by two men. One is Joe Carnahan's brothers, Matthew Michael Carnahan. Joe is infamous in my book for making his films such as Smokin Aces and The Grey way too serious. It shows that Matthew's headed in the same direction. The last three films he wrote were three very serious films---State Of Play, The Kingdom and Lions For Lambs. I personally liked the first two. The third I didn't like at all. I think the Carnahan brothers show talent in a lot of their films---they just have to stop being so serious. In this case---Michael did not do that. The other writer on the film is Joss Whedon's partner, Drew Goddard. Goddard is a major talent which makes me question why on earth he decided to co-wrote such a boring, depressing film.

                           Enough about the writers, though. The point I'm trying to make is that at almost two hours long...the film drags on and on and on up until its inevitable and predictable conclusion Pitt hands in a strong performance but there's only so much one person can do to save a film. World War Z will only keep you awake with its loudness.
(1 out of 5 Stars, The film is rated PG-13 for intense frightening zombie sequences, violence and disturbing images)

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