Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Texas Chainsaw Review

Don't mess with Texas----Tania Raymonde and Trey Songz are being chased by a killer in Texas Chainsaw
                       First and foremost---let me point out that I did not see Texas Chainsaw in 3D. I knew what I was going to get into with the 3D so I didn't bother paying three extra bucks to see it in that format. The film was so laughably bad in 2D, however that I can only imagine what it would have been like in a third dimension. This is not to say I didn't enjoy the film. I actually enjoyed this film quite a bit. However...I enjoyed it the same way I enjoy Howard The Duck. I laugh at how miserably it fails and how much it didn't even try. The film is awful in every way shape and form but it is in that awfulness that the film made me enjoy myself.

                      The film starts with an incredibly stupid opening scene that is too dumb for me to even describe. We then flash forward to a group of friends. They are taking a road trip up to a mansion where the opening scene took place. Alexandra Daddario and Tania Raymonde are fabulous eye candy as the two women and Trey Songz and Keram Malicki-Sanchez are the two male friends. Sanchez is alright but to say Songz is awful would be an understatement. Speaking of bad acting....the audience gets the special treat of  watching some guy named Dan Yeager in his first movie role trying to make Leatherface scary. Needless to say he fails miserably.

                      The film has so many ludicrous scenes in it I don't even know where to begin. There is a scene in which the characters are trying to get away from Leatherface in a van. The dumbest part of this scene involves a gate and actually makes me laugh harder and harder the more I think about it. There are also many times in which people are screaming long after they would have died. Someone gets sawed in half and is screaming when half of their body is already sawed up. Sure...a twist towards the end of the film gives the audience an interesting got you moment. was too little too late. The film already had too many laugh out loud, incredibly dumb scenes to make the audience reconsider their opinion.

                       I did enjoy the film for the stinky garbage that it was. If you go in expecting anything like the original (although there is a very small montage of the original at the beginning of the film) will not enjoy yourself at all. I suppose it's because I knew that I was going to have to leave my brain at the door and watch what is more of a comedy than a horror film that I enjoyed it so much. Come 2014...this may make my list of the worst films of 2013 but I would be lying if I said I didn't have a blast with this film in that list.
(1 and 1/2 out of 5 Stars, The film is rated R for strong grisly violence and language throughout)

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