Saturday, February 11, 2012

Big Miracle Review

Big Miracle is the true story of an expedition to save the whales from certain death in a small town in Alaska. John Krasinski is Adam Carlson, the reporter who discovers the whales, and Drew Barrymore is Rachel Kramer, the ex-girlfriend of Adam who feels obliged to help. The film itself is like day old will partially enjoy it, while adults and teens will just find it hard to swallow. The main problem I had with this film is that it's so sticky sweet that it's hard to even get past the first scene. Director Ken Kwapis, who has worked with both stars before is known for doing films that don't exactly have a fantastic reputation. Don't believe me? Well, Kwapis's filmography includes Dunston Checks In, He Said She Said, Beautician and the Beast, and more recently, the bomb with Krasinski that was License To Wed. To be fair, I did kind of enjoy all of the previously mentioned films in a guilty pleasure sort of way. However, Big Miracle has none of the guilty pleasure aspects that were in those films. Rather, this film has a good cast hamming it up and talking about whales. I admittedly did like a couple of things about Big Miracle. First off, I liked the setting. The snowy scenes in Alaska were some of the best snow scenes in quite some time, and that's saying a lot. Second off, I liked the message. The message that you can do anything if you're truly dedicated to it is present here and done in a nice way. Third off and lastly, I liked Krasinski as a leading man. Even though this film is yet another unsuccessful attempt at him trying to get away from just being Jim from The Office, he does make a convincing and charming leading man. However, I would not recommend Big Miracle to anyone because it's just not a very easy movie to like due to its syrupy nature.

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