Friday, December 9, 2011

Warrior Movie Review

Warrior is the best film of 2011 so far..hands down. It is a likely contender to stay the best film of the year. An amazing film like this needs to be seen to be believed, which is why even as I'm typing write now, I am having an extremely hard time describing what I saw. Joel Edgerton and Tom Hardy play brothers in an emotional war. They were both, for lack of a better term, screwed over by their dad (Nick Nolte), and now have turned against each other. While they are turned against each other, they both decide to become MMA fighters. Everything here, from the performances to the script override what is primarily a cliche plot. The first time I watched the trailer, I admitted it looked like a rip off of a great film, The Fighter. That being said, Warrior is so much more than that. It is an even better film than The Fighter, and I loved The Fighter. Warrior is at its best when two characters interact with each other through both of their emotional issues. For example, there is a scene in which Nick Nolte and Joel Edgerton are standing outside and one won't let the other into his house because of trust issues. This is one of the most powerful and sad scenes I think I've ever seen in a movie. Warrior is a film that can gets very emotional and actually quite touching in and of itself, but it never and I mean never gets the least bit sappy. Nolte, Edgeton, and Hardy should all get Oscar nominations for their terrific performances. That's not to say they all will, but if the academy doesn't nominate at least one of them, then I've lost all respect for the academy. Warrior is not only a terrific film, but a magical one. By the end of this film, try not to be crying your eyes out and applauding the fantastic film making that went into making this film. 

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