Sunday, July 1, 2012

Ted Review

                            Mark Wahlberg has a heart to heart with his talking teddy bear in Ted
                                  Ted is a film about a talking teddy bear. Don't be is a very funny and dirty film about a talking teddy bear. While it is not as funny as this year's 21 Jump does make the cut as being funny enough to recommend. The only problem with it is that Ted..the title character is surprisingly not in it as much as you may expect. Ted is voiced by Seth MacFarlane..putting on a voice that sounds like Brian Griffin, Peter Griffin, and Donny from That's My Boy combined. This is actually the perfect voice for the character.

                                 Mark Wahlberg is John..the lowlife who wished Ted alive when he was but a little boy. Mila Kunis is Lori..John's girlfriend. The problem with Ted not being in it as much as you may expect comes when John and Lori try to interact with each other. Ted is such a funny character that when he's off screen..we just want to see more of him. I didn't buy John and Lori's chemistry for a second. Sure..the two actors are talented but they can't get past the script they are given without the title character. The only funny thing that came out of the scenes with just them is a very funny spoof of a particular 1970s film whose soundtrack may be the best selling album of all time (hint, hint.)

                               I've been talking too much about John and Lori when the film is called Ted. MacFarlane does a perfect job of bringing the character to life and when John and Ted meet a creepy man in the park named Donny (Giovanni Ribissi) and his overweight son...things just get better and better. The supporting cast, including Joel McHale, Patrick Warburton and a certain 80's star as themselves were all great. The best of the supporting cast comes from Ribissi who I have always found to be a very solid actor. He brings the perfect mix of creepy and funny here not ever being too over the top.

                              Ted does go through all the regular cycles of a film about relationships and a raunchy comedy but I still thoroughly enjoyed it. It is very funny and actually has some accurate things to say about the world we live in. Just don't go in expecting the movie to completely live up to its title.
(3 and 1/2 out of 5 Stars, The film is rated R for crude and sexual content, pervasive language and some drug use)

1 comment:

  1. Surprised by how much I laughed my pants off during this because I’m not a huge fan of Family Guy, but somehow, a lot of the humor just clicked for me. MacFarlane is definitely a director to watch when it comes to making R-rated comedies. Nice review Jack.
