Friday, April 27, 2012

The Five Year Engagement Review

                      The Five Year Engagement stars Emily Blunt and Jason Segel as Violet and Tom...a couple hopelessly in love with each other. When Tom proposes to Violet, she is flattered and says yes. However, things take a turn for the worst when Violet gets a job at the University Of Michigan. Her professor there is Winton (Rhys Ifans), and her co workers include Doug (Kevin Hart), Vaneetha (Mindy Kaling), and Ming (Randall Park). Also included in the film are Suzie (Allison Brie), Violet's sister and Alex (Chris Pratt), Tom's insanely incompetent best friend. As you can have a solid cast for the makings of a good, or even great comedy here. As a famous phrase goes.."looks can be deceiving."

                     What starts out as a sweet, funny comedy quickly starts to drag and make you get sick of the characters. I will admit that I laughed out loud about five it's not a bad film by any stretch of the imagination. The film is just messy. As with what a real five year engagement would feel goes on for too long and you get tired of the people you're surrounded by. Segel and Blunt, although I have enjoyed them in every other movie they have been in, are kind of lame here. They are sad, depressed characters. This is not what I go to a comedy to see.
                     In fact, the main source of laughs in this film is Pratt..playing both idiot and sweetheart very well. I also liked how the film tries to bring up real, poignant issues about relationships. Although it slightly fails, it mostly succeeds in that aspect. Brie is also good here, playing an overwhelmed but simultaneously somewhat underwhelmed role in the wedding. The Five Year Engagement is dull and should have more laughs, but it is not an awful film. I'd say just wait for it to come out on DVD.
(2 and 1/2 out of 5 Stars, The film is rated R for sexual content, and language throughout)

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