Thursday, June 14, 2012

Pink Ribbons Inc Review

                      Pink Ribbons Inc is quite the ironic documentary. It is ironic due to the fact that for a movie that is so against product placement of breast cancer...the film itself feels as if it is trying to do as much product placement as possible. This is not to say that the film is not still against this-as they should call it-outrage. Rather, it is to say that the film patterns out specific brands and companies that seem to be in for the cash.

                           The film-for all the obviously smart and experiences interviewees feels like a rushed way to earn a couple of bucks. The film feels as if it is trying to cash in on the controversy of what is really going on with breast cancer awareness. Also-the film feels redundant at many times. The film follows many of the same interviewees but all they do is repeat the same thing. One in particular-Susan Love talks about the companies who donate money to breast cancer for every one of their items bought but who are making a profit from this. This is a very good point-but Love slaps us around with it a few too many times.

                        Also, the film does not show us enough of the women who are promoting this stuff. Sure-we get experts like Samantha King, Love, and Charlene Elliott-but it would have been nice to see more of the women who are fighting for this cause rather than the women who write about the women fighting for this cause. Furthermore-the whole idea is too often promoted neutrally rather than in a negative light. It may be ironic on my own part to say this but if they put the film in a bit more of a negative light it would have been that much more interesting.

                     Pink Ribbons Inc is not a particularly bad film-it is just too uninformative and boring to recommend. There is some good stuff here-I just wish there was more good stuff.
(2 out of 5 Stars, The film is not rated, but is equivalent to that of a PG-13 for adult content and themes) 

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